
To offer you an optimum browsing experience and to enable us to continuously improve our site, we use cookies on our website. You can always refuse cookies by changing your browser settings. Do bear in mind however that, in that case, you will no longer be able to use certain of our website’s functionalities. For further information about the use of cookies, about how they work and how you can delete or block them, please click:

What is a cookie and what is it used for?

A cookie is a tiny text file a website places in a specific location on the hard disk of your device any time you visit that website. Subject to your consent, the website server sends the cookie to your web browser.

Each cookie has an anonymous identifier. A cookie file ensures that its publisher is able to recognise the computer the file is placed on throughout the cookie’s lifetime. Cookies are unable to identify the natural persons operating a device. When you visit, we can install various types of cookies on your device: functional cookies, performance cookies, analytical cookies and social network cookies, provided you give us your consent.

Types of cookies

Functional cookies

Functional cookies ensure that a website works properly while you visit it. We inter alia use them to identify your language preference and your computer’s operating system. If you wish to visit our website, you will have to accept those cookies. If you do not, we cannot guarantee you that our website will function as it should.

Performance and analytical cookies

This website uses Google Analytics, a Google Inc. ("Google") website analysis tool.

Google Analytics uses cookies to analyse the browsing behaviour of website visitors. Google transmits and stores the information the cookies collect about your visit to our website (including your IP address) to/on servers located in the United States. We collect that information to assess your use of our website, to compile reports on the activity on our website and to offer you other services on our website and via the Internet. Please see for more information about Google Analytics.

We use cookies to compile statistics about the number of visitors to our website, to understand what pages are of interest to you and to enhance the use of our site. Thanks to that information we are able to measure the impact of our advertising campaigns and to show you ads likely to be of interest to you.

Social media cookies

The so-called “social media cookies”, such as the “like” or “share” buttons, are linked to services provided by third parties. They are used to offer you a number of services or to remember how you prefer to share information via the social media. You can recognise the social media that use this button via that button, even if you do not use the button while you visit our website. Via this type of button, the social network in question is able to understand your browsing behaviour simply because your account with that particular social network was open on your computer while you were visiting our website.

We have no control over the manner in which social networks collect information about your browsing behaviour via our website or over the personal data they store. To find out what the social networks do with the information they collect via this type of buttons - inter alia in terms of advertising - we refer you to the privacy policy of the social networks in question. Via their privacy policy you can also change the settings of your account with the various social networks.

We use cookies to establish a link with social networks such as Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

You are free to accept or refuse these cookies. Please bear in mind however that, if you do refuse these cookies, you may not have access to some of the functionalities you use to share or exchange information (via our website) with.

How to manage your cookies on

Via your web browser settings:

You can configure your web browser in such a way that cookies are either stored or refused on your computer. You can refuse cookies systematically or by publisher. You can also configure your web browser in such a way that the publisher of a cookie must ask you for your consent each time a cookie is about to be placed on your computer.

Your cookie management and the choices you have vary from browser to browser. For further details, please check your browser’s help menu. The help menu will also tell you how you can tailor cookie settings to your preferences. Below, we give you a link to a number of web pages via which you can set your preferences in your own browser:

Once you have saved your settings, we will only place those cookies on your computer you chose to accept. All the cookies that were placed on your computer before you changed your settings will remain on your computer, but you can delete them.

Important! We use cookies to remember various preferences. This means that, if you delete all your cookies, you will for instance have to save your language preference and other settings again.

Sharing your computer with others

If your device is used by several persons or if you work with different web browsers, we cannot guarantee you that the services and ads on your computer will be tailored to your usage or to that of other users.

If you are happy for others to share your computer, it is on your responsibility whether you share your browser settings with others or not.