Energy produced by all the solar panels installed on Facq stores

A commitment to green energy

Jean Facq founded the family business in 1880. For over 145 years, Facq has marketed and distributed a complete range of sanitaryware, heating and sustainable solutions. These sustainable solutions are at the heart of today's energy transition. Facq is aware of the impact companies have on the environment.

« Facq is part of the solutions to meet the major challenges of tomorrow's habitat, and has long been offering innovative solutions to reduce energy and water consumption. As a company committed to a sustainable future, it seemed only natural that we should commit to significantly reducing our ecological footprint. This commitment is also part of our family company values. »

— Damien Vanden Dael, CEO

Towards a sustainable and responsible energy transition

In addition to photovoltaic panels, Facq integrates a whole range of water and energy-saving techniques in its buildings: heat pumps, rainwater recovery, insulation and ventilation, and LED installations.
Facq also integrates electromobility by installing several electric charging stations at its various sites. These terminals use the green energy produced by solar panels, enabling customers to recharge their vehicles while shopping, as well as staff members to recharge their electric bikes or cars.

Combining energy savings and renewable energy production on these tens of thousands of m² of roofs not only makes economic and environmental sense, but also demonstrates a corporate strategy combining profitability, sustainable development and social responsibility.


— Damien Vanden Dael, CEO

Facq sees life in green

For the past two years, small parcel deliveries in and around Brussels, as well as in Ghent and Leuven, have also been made by bicycle. Facq is the first player in the sector to offer delivery of its products by this means. Although at first sight the combination of bike deliveries and plumbing supplies may seem surprising, the response from parcel recipients has been enthusiastic.

The ecological benefits of the initiative

The initiative has been widely acclaimed, both by customers and by passers-by who see Facq bicycles on the road. Since the project was launched, no fewer than 18,000 deliveries have been made for around 1,200 different customers. Thanks to this mode of delivery, almost 10,000 kg of CO₂ have been saved.

The pillars of Facq's sustainability strategy and its strategic objectives