10 tips to save on heating

Most of our energy consumption goes into heating. But by heating smartly and sustainably, you can save a lot of energy. This is not only good for the environment, but also for your wallet! We will help you to get started with these 10 tips.
  • Tip 1

    Install a smart thermostat

    With a smart thermostat you can adjust your heating completely to your lifestyle. You control it via an app, so if you're stuck in traffic for a bit longer, for example, you can simply turn off your heating remotely. If you link your thermostat to smart thermostat valves, you can even control the temperature in your home per room or zone. That way you only heat the rooms you actually use. Moreover, it doesn't have to be the same temperature everywhere, either. It can perfectly be a few degrees cooler in an entrance hall or bedroom.
  • Tip 2

    Air your home

    It may sound crazy, but ventilating your home regularly just helps you save energy. Venting makes the air in your home drier, which makes it easier to heat up. So opening your windows from time to time or investing in a ventilation system will help you use less energy to heat your home.
  • Tip 3

    Heat consciously

    Try turning down your thermostat one degree and see what the impact is. You'll probably still find this comfortable enough or you can compensate for that lower temperature with a slightly thicker sweater or warm slippers. Also, heat only when necessary. Set your thermostat to automatically jump to 15 degrees in the evening, an hour before you normally go to bed. If you have underfloor heating at home, it's best not to set your temperature lower than 17 to 19 degrees. Otherwise it will take too long to warm up your room again.

Tip 4

Invest in solar energy

Although in Flanders there are currently no more subsidies for solar panels and the end of the roll-back counter is now really in sight, it still pays to install (extra). After all, with solar panels you are much less dependent on the still fluctuating energy prices. To achieve maximum savings, it is best to use as much energy as possible when generating your own electricity. Another interesting option to save on energy is a solar water heater. This device produces heat from daylight. The sun does not have to shine to do this, so even in winter your installation provides enough heat. The good news is that you can still apply for premiums for solar water heaters.
  • Tip 5

    Lower your supply temperature

    The flow temperature determines how hot the central heating water is when your boiler is running. Many boilers are set to 80° by default, but they work most efficiently at 60°. So you can set the temperature of your boiler a little lower. This way, the boiler has to work less hard and you use considerably less energy. And you'll notice that on your bill!
  • Tip 6

    Ensure adequate insulation

    Good insulation is crucial to enjoy your generated heat as long as possible. If your home can use extra insulation, know that in many cases you are entitled to a premium and that you can enjoy tax benefits. This makes insulation doubly interesting. If you would rather not start too drastic insulation work, there are a number of simpler alternatives: insulate your pipes, provide radiator foil behind your radiators and close your blinds or curtains to keep the heat in. Just make sure your radiators stay clear when you close the curtains. Every little bit helps to get those energy bills down.
  • Tip 7

    Monitor your energy consumption

    Make sure you understand your energy consumption by monitoring it. This allows you to match your consumption to the available energy. This becomes especially interesting when you have solar panels and a digital meter. But even in situations without one, it pays to keep an eye on your energy consumption. For example, if you suddenly notice that an appliance consumes excessively, consider replacing it. When buying new household appliances, always look at the energy label. This label indicates how energy efficient your appliance is.

Tip 8

Maintain your heating system

By having your heating system serviced annually by a professional, you not only ensure the efficient operation of your installation, but you also extend its life. Regular venting of your radiators is also important. Sometimes air bubbles form in the pipes of your heating system, causing the radiator to give off less heat. By bleeding your radiators from time to time, you can be sure that the heat will be properly distributed again.
  • Tip 9

    Compare energy prices

    You can also save money by comparing energy prices and switching suppliers regularly. Such a switch is also much less hassle than you might think at first glance. You just sign a new contract with your new energy supplier and they arrange everything with your old supplier and the grid operator. The switch is also free for families and SMEs. Unless you remain a customer for less than a year. In that case, some suppliers charge the annual fee in full.
  • Tip 10

    Save in the shower

    A shower from Facq simply invites you to relax for a nice long time, we realize. But by limiting your time in the shower to a maximum of five minutes, you can easily save several dozen euros a year. A water-saving shower head is also a super-easy way to save water and energy, without you even noticing. Visit your nearest Facq showroom for more information on water and energy saving products.
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