A green bathroom - from plants to energy-saving taps

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important. To treat our natural resources as kindly as possible, more and more people are opting for an ecological bathroom. Looking for inspiration to design your own bathroom in a sustainable way? With these 4 bathroom design tips, you can turn your bathroom into a green paradise.
1. An ecological bathroom does eco taps only
Swapping your standard shower head for an eco one works wonders as you will halve your water consumption with this simple measure! And you can reduce your water consumption even further by cutting down on the time you spend in the shower. Check how long you normally take to shower and reduce that by a couple of minutes. A swell race against time! In addition, you can fit your toilet with an eco flush valve, which will automatically reduce your water consumption by a third. Needless to say, there is absolutely no reason to shower or flush your toilets with mains water: make sure that you run your bathroom on rainwater!

2. A sustainable bathroom bathes in natural light
To waste as little energy as possible, opt for windows that let in plenty of natural light. Mirrors reinforce that effect even further. If you really can't do without artificial lights, opt for energy-saving bulbs. And do remember to switch off the light as you leave the bathroom.

3. A green bathroom is an oasis of greenery
Plants create a relaxed atmosphere and add a touch of warmth to your bathroom. And they purify the air! Choose plants that like humidity like ferns, bamboos, ficus species or orchids. Space at a premium? Then look around for those fabulous hanging plants.

4. Bathroom full of natural, sustainable materials
Avoid plastic shower curtains or bathroom accessories and shop around for sustainable materials like glass or wood instead. Bamboo is one such sustainable wood species that doesn't only look great in the bathroom but it will relish the high humidity.