Make your own shower gel: 6 easy recipes

What do you need to make your own shower gel ?

Personalise your shower gel
You can do tests by using different essential oils, natural colourings and preservatives to create a product that exactly matches your preference and needs. With personalisation, you can adjust the shower gel’s properties and create a fragrance that is unique for you.Preservation and storage
You must store your home-made shower gel correctly, to ensure it stays fresh and effective. Use clean and air-tight bottles and keep them in a cool, dark place to extend their life. If you use natural ingredients without preservatives, you should ideally use your gel within one month to guarantee its quality.
Six recipes for home-made shower gel
Recipe 1
Cleaning with soap scraps
Recycle soap scraps into a creamy and personalised shower gel. Grate about a cup of soap scraps and mix with a cup of water. Heat over a low heat until melted and blended. Personalise with a few drops of your favourite essential oil for a customised scent. You can also add a little food colouring for a nice visual effect.Recipe 2
Sweet almond oil
For a hydrating shower gel, mix two-thirds of a cup of liquid soap base with three tablespoons of liquid honey, two teaspoons of sweet almond oil plus a tablespoon of vitamin E oil. Add a few drops of your favourite essential oil or select herbs like star anise or ginger, or vanilla extract, to create a natural fragrance.Recipe 3
Rolled oats base
Infuse a 1/4 cup of rolled oats in three cups of boiling water and leave for a few hours. Strain the oat water and use it as a base. Mix with a 1/4 cup liquid soap, one teaspoon of vitamin E oil and two teaspoons of jojoba oil. Add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance. Use this mixture to fill a bottle 15% full and top up with the oat water.Recipe 4
Aloe vera moisturiser
Use a 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel together with a 1/4 cup of liquid Castile soap. Enrich with a teaspoon of almond oil and a little lavender essential oil, which has soothing properties. This shower gel is ideal for sensitive skins and enables deep hydration.Recipe 5
Coconut oil conditioner
Melt 1/3 of a cup of coconut oil and mix with a 1/2 cup of liquid Castile soap and three tablespoons of honey. Add 15 drops of your favourite essential oil for a more personal touch. This shower gel is great for conditioning and hydrating a dry skinRecipe 6
Natural exfoliator
Mix a 1/2 cup of Castile soap with a 1/4 cup of honey, 1/4 cup of coconut oil and a 1/2 cup of sugar cane to produce an exfoliating effect. Use this shower gel once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells and to encourage the growth of fresh skin.
In brief

How long can I keep a home-made shower gel?
If you don’t use any preservatives, it is recommended that you use your gel within four weeks after making it. You can make the gel last a few weeks longer if you add natural preservatives, e.g. vitamin E or grapefruit seed extract.
Can my children use my home-made shower gel?
Yes, home-made shower gels can be very mild and are therefore fine for children. But don’t include essential oils or ingredients that could irritate your children’s sensitive skin. You should also select mild ingredients, like sweet almond oil and aloe vera.
Is it possible to make a shower gel without Castile soap?
Yes, you can use other liquid soap bases, e.g. glycerin soap or even by starting with a diluted cold-process soap base. However, Castile soap is still useful, thanks to its mildness and ease of use.
How do I know if my home-made shower gel is safe?
Ensure that all your ingredients are fresh and of a good quality. You should also follow the strict rules and hygiene practices during the gel’s preparation. If the product changes colour, takes on another smell or texture, or if you see signs of mould, it is better to throw your gel away.