Save on your water bill with these 5 tips

Our water consumption is decreasing year by year, it is only during the Covid crisis that we have seen a slight increase. Increasingly economical household appliances, the use of rainwater harvesting systems and a growing awareness of water saving have something to do with it. But since there is always room for improvement, we present below the main tips for saving water and money.

1. Reduce your water consumption

The easiest way to save on your water bill is, of course, to use less water. The bathroom is the perfect place to do this, and manufacturers have understood this. That's why there are now many products that help you save water in the bathroom:
  • Water-saving faucets and showers

    With a water-saving faucet and shower, you use less water without even realizing it. They are designed to reduce the amount of water that flows, often by adding air to the water jet. This ensures that the water jet is always as abundant and lush.
  • Economy button for your toilet

    Contemporary toilets often come with two different flush volumes, allowing you to choose between a large or small flush. A single flush uses an average of 6 to 9 litres of water. With a water-saving button, you can reduce this consumption by up to 3 to 4.5 litres per flush.
  • Install a shower toilet

    Shower toilets are another great option for saving money. The water consumption of a shower toilet may be a little higher, but you will save a lot of toilet paper. Which makes the whole thing much more eco-friendly and, ultimately, more economical for you too!
  • Take a shower instead of a bath

    A shower uses less water than a bath, but this is obviously only valid if the time spent in the shower is as short as possible. Want to save money on your water bill? Limit your shower time to 5 minutes maximum and use an energy-saving shower head.

2. Stay within the base rate limit

You may not have known this, but your water bill includes a basic rate and a comfort rate. You pay a basic rate for basic consumption. This is 30 m³ per residential unit and 30 m³ per resident per year.
For example, if you are a family of 4, the first 150 m³ you consume are billed at the basic rate. Any additional water consumed will be billed at the comfort rate, which is twice as expensive.

So you prefer to reduce your costs as much as possible? In this case, make sure to limit your water consumption to the basic rate.

3. Drink tap water

Did you know that tap water is the most controlled food? And did you know that if you drink 1 liter of water a day and switch to tap water, you save around 320 euros a year? So many reasons to switch to tap water today! In addition, you no longer have to carry heavy plastic bottles and the impact of tap water on the climate is also low.

Sparkling water lovers no longer have an excuse either, because today there are various water systems that can be installed under the worktop and that allow you to obtain fresh, sparkling or lightly sparkling water from your kitchen tap, at the push of a button.

4. Collect rainwater

Installing a cistern allows you to collect and reuse rainwater. A cistern can be connected to your washing machine, toilet, and outdoor faucet. Not only will you save money on your drinking water bill, but you will also contribute to a more sustainable planet.

Installing a cistern is not an option for you? Then start with a rain barrel. You can collect water to water your plants or wash your car.

5. Protect your pipes and appliances and prevent leaks

A leak can cause a lot of damage and unnecessarily increase your water bill. You should therefore avoid it as much as possible. But how can you do this? With a softener, for example. This device removes limescale from your water. Because while limescale in water is not harmful to your health, it is for your pipes. It can corrode your pipes, leading to blockages, loss of flow and leaks.

Do you want to know if you have a leak somewhere? Write down your water meter reading in the evening before going to bed, make sure you do not use any water that night and check your meter reading again the next morning. Do you see a different number? You may have a leak.