Survey: we all want energy-efficient homes, but take too little action

By 2050, Europe wants to be climate neutral. In concrete terms, this means saving as much energy as possible and producing more electricity from CO2-free sources such as wind and solar power. However, this energy transition is going slower than hoped. This is also evident from the poll we conducted recently. With the Green Home in our showrooms, we hope to ease that transition to sustainability for you!

Difference between intention and action

Our survey shows that 91% of homeowners consider the energy efficiency of their homes a priority. But at the same time, 39% admit that they are not actively working on it. So there is clearly a difference between wanting and then actually taking action. 26% of Belgians feel that their homes are currently insufficiently green. For owners of homes older than 10 years, this figure rises to 33%. Yet some 42% of homeowners have no real renovation plans, in part because they are overwhelmed by the many possibilities.
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Belgians get lost in the green maze

Indeed, about half of Belgians (49%) say they are confused by the many options for making their homes more energy efficient. 42% of them simply do not know which solutions are most suitable for their specific housing situation. Only 41% can correctly answer questions about sustainable water management and 25% do not know if underfloor heating is an energy-efficient technology. Only a small percentage (16%) already have underfloor heating in their homes. What is lacking is knowledge among homeowners, and let that be a prerequisite for action.

Tailored advice at Facq

We would like to simplify this transition to sustainability for you and have therefore installed a Green Home in each of our showrooms, a unique concept in Belgium where you, as a private individual, can discover a full range of green solutions. From sustainable heating to ventilation and water management. For example, you can find rainwater recovery systems, but also thermodynamic solar water heaters such as the Explorer from Atlantic and the Ulow low temperature radiator from Radson. Together with a Green House advisor, you can look at the various options for your home and discuss possible subsidies. Because that can also potentially lower the threshold for a renovation.

Saving water: a small effort

When it comes to water management, 1 in 5 Belgians (20%) say they do not actively monitor their consumption. Even though 69% of homeowners would like to optimize their water use and 76% limit their time in the shower. So there is still a long way to go to put those good intentions into practice. However, there are some simple solutions such as water-saving taps and shower heads, toilets with large and small flushes or the installation of a water softener. The latter ensures that you do not get limescale in your water pipes, which reduces the chance of wear and tear and leaks. All are simple interventions that provide significant savings anyway.

The survey

This online survey was conducted by research firm iVox on behalf of Facq between May 13 and 20, 2024 among 1,500 Belgian homeowners between 30 and 60 years of age representative by region, gender, age and degree. The maximum margin of error among 1,500 Belgian homeowners is 2.52%.