Underfloor heating in the bathroom: the advantages at a glance

Buying guide
Are you playing with the idea of installing underfloor heating throughout your home or just in the bathroom? There are many advantages and disadvantages to this. It is therefore essential to find the right solution for your project. This is an important decision that has to be made before your home is built or renovated, since the floor has to be prepared for it. We spoke with Kenny Morris, expert in green energy solutions at Facq, to outline the pros and cons of underfloor heating in your home and bathroom.

What are the benefits of underfloor heating in your bathroom?

Kenny: “Providing your bathroom with underfloor heating certainly has many advantages. We always look at the comfort of the customer first and foremost. Underfloor heating is the best comfort solution, it gives off a constant and pleasant heat so that you never stand on a cold floor with your bare feet and the room is always comfortably heated. Even when you go to the toilet at night, this gives a very pleasant feeling.
The big advantage is that underfloor heating is a low temperature solution: due to its reduced consumption, you can enjoy a constant heat without using a lot of energy. However, I would not recommend just installing underfloor heating in your bathroom, but installing it in the various rooms and even in the entire house. This is much more advantageous, as the entire installation can then be kept at a low temperature and we need to rely less on associated components such as extra pump groups and thermostats.”

Underfloor heating: recommended or not?

Kenny: “Generally speaking, we can say that underfloor heating is often the most advantageous solution, both aesthetically and ecologically, as well as in terms of comfort, if it is installed in multiple rooms in the home. In this way, you can make optimum use of a constant pleasant ambient temperature in the home at a very low supply temperature. It is therefore advantageous to extend your underfloor heating to your bathroom, even if it is not sufficient on its own to achieve the desired temperature. It keeps the room pleasantly warm continuously without consuming much and can be combined with a more aesthetic solution than the classic radiator, such as a towel dryer or decorative radiator.”

What are the disadvantages of underfloor heating in your bathroom?

Kenny: “A bathroom is a difficult room to get to the desired temperature of 21°-24° with underfloor heating alone. Since the floor space in a bathroom is largely taken up by sanitary installations and furniture, the part of the free floor is often too small to be able to provide the necessary heat. This is different for the living room, since this room often has more surface area of ​​unoccupied floor and needs to be less warm than the bathroom. The advantage of this is that it is sufficient to supplement this “shortfall” with an aesthetically pleasing solution such as a towel dryer or decorative radiator and the whole thing remains very sleek. Since this is the best solution in terms of both comfort and aesthetics, I see this as an advantage rather than a disadvantage.”