Radson and Facq warm the hearts and homes of flood victims
Difficult start
“At Radson and Facq we quickly agreed that we wanted to do something to support the victims of the floods”, says Laurent Dendal, Commercial Director at Facq. “A partnership was promptly established in which Radson donated the new radiators and Facq would deliver them to the victims." However, despite all good intentions, getting the radiators in the right hands proved to be a challenge at first since government agencies and aid organisations such as the Red Cross were initially focused on providing short-term aid, including food and smaller household appliances.
Local help
Thanks to the contact between Radson and Léon Sagehomme, an important Verviers industrialist who had himself become a victim of the floods with his wool laundry business, things started to move. Step by step, the right people were involved in the project. As a result, from the beginning of 2022, the radiators could be donated to victims who, in the meantime, had cleared out their homes and gotten the buildings sufficiently dry to be able to heat them again.
Logis social
The donation campaign was recently concluded with the delivery of a large batch of new radiators to the Liège housing company Le Logis Social de Liège. They will gradually install the radiators in the flooded social housing that’s under their management. This way, these houses can be refurbished and the residents can enjoy a cosy warmth without any worries.