
Take a wellness break and enjoy !

You have surely picked up on this new trend: bathrooms are becoming bigger and bigger and are transforming into a space where you can really enjoy yourself and unwind. These days, everyone is confronted with more and more stress. As a reaction, we take extra care of ourselves and our bodies. After a long, tiring working day, we want to relax and disconnect, and we do this at home, in the bathroom, thanks to the new wellness hype.

The power of water

Water has always been synonymous with health. The benefits of hydrotherapy are well proven and speak for themselves. Going to the sauna, hammam or jacuzzi is undeniably good for your health. Your body (and soul) will be cared for so that you can relax and at the same time restore your energy levels.

A Finnish sauna or infrared sauna uses dry heat to cause you to sweat. This is how waste products and toxins are removed. A hammam uses hot steam to release built-up tension and help clear the respiratory tract. Always end with a cold shower for a refreshing experience and to tighten your pores. In the jacuzzi, blood and lymph circulation are stimulated to cleanse and increase your oxygen levels.

Hydrotherapy within everyone's reach

Don't always have time to go to a wellness centre? Then just have it brought to your home. Infrared cabins, hammams, saunas and Jacuzzis can be installed in your home and these days they fit every budget. Don't have room for such a facility? Then choose a massage bath or hydromassaging shower cabin. The 'bubble bath' option is now available even on the smallest of bathtubs, so lack of space is no longer an excuse. In addition, there are very budget-friendly products, such as a bath mat that you place on the bottom of the bath and which creates bubbles, or a shower panel with massage jets.

For the perfect mood

Scented ambient candles create a blissfully relaxing atmosphere in the bathroom. Music, too, is highly recommended for unwinding. A simple wireless installation will go a long way, but for technology aficionados there are also speakers that can be attached to the shower head and even shower panels with built-in MP3 players. In this way, all the senses are stimulated to spend an enjoyable time in the bathroom. Light therapy, chromotherapy or aromatherapy can also provide some relief.