The unrivaled comfort of an ensuite bathroom
No more compromises!
Moreover, you can store fragile or items dangerous to children in your own bathroom and arrange it the way you want. Without having to think whether it is safe and practical for the little ones.

A space for pure intimacy
So you can decorate the master bedroom completely as you see fit. Go for more luxurious furniture, in more expensive materials and with a finer, delicate finish. After all, sturdiness is not the first criterion on which you choose your bathroom furniture. It is whether you like them.

The right dimensions and furniture

How do you separate the two spaces?
It is essential that both spaces be partially separated by a wall (you can put the walk-in shower against it, for example) or, even better, a glass partition or sliding doors. The reason for this separation? Even if you and your partner have the same time schedule, one may already want to take a shower or bath while the other is still in bed. With a partition, you avoid too much noise and light from the bathroom, allowing you to sleep better. After all, the light must be strong enough to make it easy to shave, make up and de-shave.
Moreover, the heating requirements in the two rooms are not identical. The ideal temperature of a bedroom is between 16 and 18°C, while in the bathroom it can reach 21 or even 23°C. With proper separation, the two parts of the master bedroom can be heated separately.
Heating and ventilation
Also, be sure not to forget to make sure that the bathroom space is adequately airtight and can be ventilated. After all, this is essential for healthy air and to avoid moisture problems and mold growth. This is even more important if you are also going to install a dressing room in your bedroom. Because clothes and moisture really don't mix....

New construction versus old construction
If you are going to change an existing home and add a bathroom to your bedroom, be sure to call in professionals as well. They can tell you if your project is feasible by checking if the supply and return pipes are accessible or can be easily rerouted. It is not recommended to install a toilet in the room where you sleep (because of the possibility of unpleasant odors). However, if this is unavoidable, professionals can ensure that an effective return air system is provided.

Harmoniously decorated
Finally, light colors and pastel tones, possibly complemented by a bolder accent color, are better for relaxation and well-being than dark or bright colors.